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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Potential Law Skirt

"I saw your bumper sticker, NATIONAL CREATIONIST DAY APRIL 1ST on a car here in City of Bellflower. I asked the owner if he really believed in the sticker, and he said 'yes.' I told him that I am an creationist, and have been one all my life. He said he would never vote for a creationist for any office, nor trust any creationist. Now, I would like your evolutionary ministry of darkness to give me a good reason for me not filing a lawsuit against you for telling people lies. I am not a fool." -- Ray "Straw Man" DisComfort


Thank you for your email. I would love you to file a lawsuit. Here's how I would build my defense:

First, I would say that I can prove that anyone who looks at a building and says that he doesn't believe that there was a building process, is a fool. This is because a building is absolute proof that there was a building process. Buildings don't appear from a magical puff of smoke, from nothing. Only a fool would believe that.

Second, I would say that anyone who looks at a painting and believes that there was no painting process, is a fool. The painting is absolute proof that there as a painting process. Paintings don't appear from a magical puff of smoke, from nothing. Only a fool would believe that.

Then I would say that evolved beings are absolute 100% scientific proof that there was an evolutionary process. An evolved being cannot create itself, from nothing. But that's what the creationist believes--that a magical puff of smoke created everything from nothing. That's a scientific impossibility, and only a fool would believe that.

So, please, go ahead and file the lawsuit, and make it against me personally. My name is Jonathan Thomas, and I live in Dallas, Texas. I freely admit that I am the creator of the bumper sticker. But be warned, at the last minute I may say that the bumper sticker appeared out of a magical puff of smoke, from nothing . . . and appropriately plead insanity.

I await your reply.



Oh, wait, you mean that I can't simply define things as "evolved beings" and use that to prove there was evolution? Wait... you mean I must first prove that they are evolved beings? That's not what Ray Comfort taught me. He taught me that you can simply define things as "creation" and use that to prove there was a Creator. You mean... he has to first prove that they are creation? Hogwash! And here's why...

An imagined conversation with Ray Comfort, gleaned from his tracts, debates, and interviews

Ray: Creation proves that there was a Creator.
Me: How do you know that it is creation?
Ray: Because the Creator created it.
Me: How do you know there was a Creator, then?
Ray: Because creation is 100% scientific proof that there was a Creator!
Me: But you just used creation to prove there was a Creator to prove there was creation to prove there was a Creator? Isn't that circular logic?
Ray: You fool, atheist! Creation is 100% scientific proof that there was a Creator, just like the fact that we can't see visible light is 100% scientific proof that it is invisible! Read the Bible! Genesis 1 and 2 is proved there was a Creator long before the modern scientific proof of the existence of creation; 1 John 1:5, Revelation 21:23, Colossians 1:15, 1 Timothy 1:17 proved visible light was invisible long before the modern scientific proof of the eye not seeing the "essence" of light.

Others on this topic
* Silent Dave at the Raytractors.

See also
* Ray Proved Evolution


Milo said...

Great post! Where can I get the bumper sticker?

Unknown said...

I need to buy that bumper sticker...please start selling them!

bugsoup said...

Is this related to your letter from ray: