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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ray Proved Evolution

Ray is my hero. His intellect knows no bounds. After all, he came up with a bulletproof argument which proves God:
If there is a building, that proves there was a builder since the building necessitates a builder.
If there is a painting, that proves there was a painter since the painting necessitates a painter.
If there is a car, that proves there was a car maker since the car necessitates a car maker.
Therefore, if there is creation, that proves there was a Creator since the creation necessitates a Creator.
Spot on! Creation necessitates a creator. You have proven it beyond contestation. See, this is why Ray is my hero, being such a source of infallible arguments. As such, I have emulated my hero by using his wise, bulletproof argument to prove evolution. Observe:
If there is a building, that proves there was a building process since the building necessitates a building process.
If there is a painting, that proves there was a painting process since the painting necessitates a painting process.
If there is a car, that proves there was a car making process since the car necessitates a car making process.
Therefore, if there are evolved beings, that proves there was evolution since evolved beings necessitates evolution.

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